Resco Power Components — Presenting Batch 1: PCF controls library [Demo by Product Manager]
Do you want to start using Power Components? Learn how you can use them in your Power Platform projects directly from our Product Manager.
Michal Magnusek describes the PCF controls available in our library of Power Components, presents use cases and customization options.
Batch 1 includes:
- Kanban Board
- Date Range Picker
- Image Gallery
- Multi-select Dropdown List
- File Upload
- AI Translate Field
- AI Generate Image
- Tree View
Resco Power Components are designed for app creators to make building business apps on the Power Platform faster and easier.
They are made for consultants, developers, and solution architects—who craft model-driven and canvas apps for their clients in low-code / no-code. Code components allow app makers to add a wide range of functionality to their apps immediately without needing to wait for and budget for custom code from developers.
- Duration: 12 min
- Speaker: Michal Magnusek, Senior Digital Product Manager