Resco software is trusted by customers across industries
Power Apps
Design pixel-perfect documents templates in your Power Apps
Power Automate
Generate documents automatically using Power Automate
How Resco Docs+ works
The Resco Docs+ solution contains everything you need for designing and generating documents.
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Fits your industry
Real Estate
Generate property listings, rental agreements, and purchase contracts. Automate the distribution of property inspection reports, lease renewals, and disclosures to tenants and buyers.
Generate production reports, quality control documentation, and shipping labels. Automate the delivery of invoices, shipping confirmations, and order status updates to customers and partners.
Create energy consumption reports and maintenance documentation. Automate the distribution of utility bills, outage notifications, and energy efficiency recommendations to customers.
Generate shipping labels, bills of lading, and customs documents. Automate the delivery of shipping confirmations, tracking information, and customs clearance documents to clients and partners.