Resco is trusted by industry leaders for efficient sales operations in the field
Field Sales+
Sales automation, route planning, device management, premium support and mobile app with full offline
list price from
per user
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Key advantages
Integration with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales
Store & manage your operational data securely on Microsoft’s trusted platform. Resco’s native integration ensures a seamless workflow and simplifies data maintenance.
Pre-Built modules
Utilize a variety of pre-built entities for everyday use cases like scheduling, inspections, reports, data dashboards, and more.
Offline-first DNA
When we say offline, we mean it. Don’t worry about limits – ensure application performance even with millions of records and complex tables.
Sync speed
Control what is being synchronized and how. Take advantage of advanced sync filters, optimized app storage, and up to 10X faster sync than alternatives.
Mobile-first design
Our platform, apps, and customization options are designed with the mobile user at the forefront. So are the tools for app performance and data security.
Supported devices
No matter what devices your sales reps use, it just works. Field Sales+ for Dynamics 365 runs on desktops, mobile, smart watches, iOS, Android, and Windows.
Dynamics 365
Power Platform

