New mobile analytics, dynamic cell styles and extended project inheritance features enrich Resco Mobile CRM’s Summer Release 2017
Bratislava, Slovakia — June 15, 2017 — In the upcoming days, Resco will be introducing the Summer Release of Resco Mobile CRM, delivering new features which enhance the majority of the solution.
Among the most significant new additions are the expanded mobile analytics capabilities, dynamic cell styles and visibility, parent/child project change notifications, and a new call screen available for Android devices.
Combined with further additions to e-mail integration, calendar, map, mobile reports, list views, JavaScript Bridge and numerous other capabilities, the latest release will deliver 38 new features and improvements for Resco Mobile CRM users.
What’s new in the 2017 Summer Release of Resco Mobile CRM?
Email, Contact, Phone
Send e-mails from Exchange and Gmail simultaneously – when users have both Exchange and Gmail configured in the app at the same time, they can choose which account will be used when sending out e-mails from Resco Mobile CRM
Google contacts sync – users can effortlessly view and work with Google contacts by synchronizing their Google account and Mobile CRM
Android call screen – after an incoming call – if the caller is stored in the Mobile CRM’s contact database – a dialog window will appear on-screen which can provide shortcuts for related actions (e.g. “Import call”, “Open contact”, etc.)

Show e-mail sync errors – if a user enters an e-mail address in an incorrect format when sending a message (for example, missing a dot in a domain name, forgetting “@”, etc.), the app will recognize the mistake and notify the user via an error message
Mark multiple e-mails as read/unread – on a list view users can simply tap on message state cells to change the status of one or multiple e-mails

Start e-mail sync after an e-mail was sent – system admins may configure the app to automatically start e-mail synchronization each time a message was sent from the app
Automated chat message workflow – users can now receive automated Resco chat messages in the app, notifying them when their records have been altered in Dynamics CRM in any way (e.g. on record change, save, etc.)
Allow to set Exchange configuration through MDM – Third-party mobile device management (MDM) systems can be used to secure Microsoft Exchange account configuration
Editable lists in Agenda view – users can directly edit records listed in their Agenda view instead of having to open each record individually to modify it
Wrap text in day & week calendar (Windows 10)
Mobile Analytics
Extended auditing capabilities – managers can now see which customers have been (or haven’t been) visited by Mobile CRM users.
Track external users – and companies can also see how and where their external users utilize the app
Offline Maps (Android) – system admins can now define which maps will be stored in the local memory, so users can use the map view on Android devices, even without wi-fi or cellular connection to the Internet
Configurable timeout for location service requests – administrators can define a precise time period after which a location service request will be terminated, if the app cannot establish a connection
List views
List view footer – the list view can now include a footer that will display the selected and total record count; it can also include an optional aggregation calculator (e.g. on an opportunity list view, it can calculate the average estimated revenue for selected opportunities)

Specify the number of records displayed on a list – any list view can be configured to show a pre-defined maximum number of records to the user
Dynamic cell style and visibility – the style and visibility of fields displayed for each item on a list view can automatically change – depending on a rule that admins can set up in the Woodford configurator tool (e.g. when showing an account list view, the app will highlight the accounts from U.S. with a red marker and the ones from European countries with green a cell)

Grid view – thanks to a configurable column count, the app can now also show multiple records per row which allows you to create a grid view instead of a traditional list view
Sort by linked field in the list view header – users can sort records on a list view based on linked fields which can be added to the list’s header, e.g. sort records on a Contact list view by the name of their Parent Account
PartyList & StringList element at operator – provides access to values in PartyList fields like required attendees in appointments and similar
Get roles via rules – enables to access user roles on the fly, so if there is a field visible only for the manager role, you don’t have to create a new project anymore; e.g. you can set up a form rule to ensure that managers, using the same projects as sales reps, will see an extra fields with additional information
Dynamic cell style and visibility – the style and visibility of fields displayed in the app can automatically change depending on specific conditions that admins can define in the Woodford configurator
Optional form commands on new record form – when creating a new record, the app can show not only the save button, but also form commands that were previously available only after a record has been created and saved; for example, the possibility to update GPS when creating a new contact
Mobile Report
Specify the number of records shown in a mobile report – any mobile report can be configured to show a pre-defined maximum number of records
Bold, Italic and Underline font weight style – defining text styles in mobile reports is simplified by a new pickers that allow to turn on/off specific font attributes
Run a mobile report from view – users can now generate reports directly from a list view, without having to open a form first
Extended Note attachment sync filter (per entity and per file type) – for entities and file types you can set additional filtering parameters (e.g. maximal size), so for example, you can exclude certain entity’s notes from synchronizing completely
Multiple SharePoint sync speed improvements
JavaScript Bridge
LocationService timeout – an exact time period after which a location service request will be terminated (if the app could not establish a connection) can be defined via JavaScript
Show MobileReport dialog – the app can show a MobileReport dialog also in a custom JavaScript interface
WKWebView (iOS) – on iOS you can use WKWebView with JavaScript to embed interactive web content into Resco Mobile CRM’s interface
Setup lookup item views
Handle EntityList cell click event
Child project change notifications – in Woodford, short notifications tell admins when views/charts/forms were modified in a child project and now differ from the parent project
Restore project change from parent project – if a view/chart/form was changed in a child project, system admins can easily restore it to mirror the parent project again, just with a simple click
Configurable mark-email-as-read timeout – an exact time period after which an e-mail will be marked as read can be defined in Woodford
Send email log through Resco service instead of email – if the users do not have an e-mail account configured with the app, Resco Mobile CRM can also send logs via Resco web service instead of e-mail
Send empty picklist as Null instead of -1