Question scoring, AR video collaboration, and streamlined process navigation headline Resco’s Summer Update 2020

Bratislava, Slovakia – June 17, 2020 – Resco, the leading provider of enterprise mobility solutions for Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Salesforce, has today revealed the enhancements & innovations coming to its products in Resco Summer Update 2020.
Inspections: Question Scoring & Duration Tracking to improve managerial experience
For Resco Inspections, the new release focuses on managers and improving their user experience. The new Question Scoring feature delivers valuable insights and real-time data by allowing users to assign a score to each question and answer. The scores are customizable, and the result of the questionnaire is defined by the overall score.

Duration Tracking provides managers with data on how long each job lasts, helping them with allocating resources and scheduling activities more efficiently. This feature automatically tracks the time spent working on a questionnaire, as well as the length of every individual task, for instance how long it took to move from one question to another.
Read more about what else is new in Resco Inspections here.
Innovations: New collaboration video calls with AR instructions
In the field of Innovations, Summer Update brings an opportunity to utilize advanced AR video calls for on-site worker instruction and team member collaboration. Resco Houston enables to remotely connect workers with back-office technicians, senior colleagues, or outsourced experts to solve issues more efficiently and at lower costs.

Resco Houston allows team members to share AR marks within a shared screen to better visualize individual instructions. AR drawings make the instructions easier to follow and help on-site workers to complete tasks in the right order. Resco Houston is now available as a public beta to all users of Resco Inspections on iPhones and iPads.
Read more about Houston here.
Platform: Navigating complex processes with ease
Some processes are more complicated than others and people often need quick overview or guidance to complete tasks effectively and on time. Take a salesman, who needs to keep track and update the state of his opportunities. With tens or even hundreds of opportunities, updating each can take longer than it seems at first sight.

To streamline management of processes with multiple stages, we are introducing the new Process component in Resco Summer update 2020. Available across all Resco products, it helps to speed up process navigation, boost completion rates, and deliver more actionable insights.
In the mobile app, users can see the new component near the top of their screen, enabling them to effortlessly move between different stages of a process. And as the information also flows directly to their backend system, managers can always see the latest updates on the progress of their teams.
Read more about what else is new in Resco MxDP here.
There is a variety of new functionalities enriching specific products and backends. You can find the ultimate guide to what’s new here.
The Summer Update 2020 of Resco Inspections, Resco Multi-Experience Development platform, and Resco Routes is now available to all Resco partners and customers.
Get the new version of the Resco Inspections app for iOS, Android, and Windows.
Get the new version of the Resco Routes app for iOS and Android.
Get the new version of the Resco Mobile CRM client for iOS, Android, and Windows.
Download the latest version of Woodford here.
About Resco
Founded in 1999, Resco is one of the global leaders in developing cross-platform mobile software solutions. Today its products are utilized by 2,500+ corporate customers with more than 200,000 licensed users. The cornerstone of Resco’s multi-experience development platform is the Woodford configuration and management tool which, together with the Resco mobile apps, is at the heart of all Resco products.
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